Posted by
cjhowe on
Feb 15, 2006; 7:20pm
I wish you would stop bringing up "concepts" that do
not apply to community driven open source projects.
QA might be beneficial to the OFbiz project, however,
there is no return on that investment. Since new
techniques are proposed every week setting up a strict
process will make adapting "better" techniques
Release management isn't necessary because, well, no
one is selling a license. Release management has two
purposes. 1)Market buzz and 2) making a seemingly
intangible product, tangible.
Product environment ugrades might be beneficial,
however I bet you could count on 1 hand how many
people who are envolved in this list who actually use
any "release" or any specific SVN checkout exactly "as
is" without customizing it. It's impossible to give
an upgrade if you don't know specifically how someone
is using the product.
Real job. Everyone here has a real job. And only a
very small minority of us have "real jobs" as a
software developers.
Teaching? Great! We can all learn from each other.
=====Andrew Dupa wrote:
Ho we go again....we've been thru this
The reality of what your sugesting is laughable. Easy
for you to say but in
reality very different story. You have no idea about
QA, release management
or production environments upgrades. If you had any
real world experience
with product software development you'd provide an
upgrade path and releases
Talk to me when you get a real job and learn about
real world software
development process. I can teach you.
You just sound like another developer form the
consultant world who's
been stuck in code and fix mode with no
responsibility. I interview your
type every day and stamp your file with no hire all
the time....
Yeah I should be dealing with Sequoia. I'm in the
wrong place. I'll write a
test that reproduces the steps and submit it to them.
In the mean time I'll
go back to the real world.
On 2/15/06, David E. Jones <jonesde at>
> Yes, details please. On the public list isn't a
problem, the more
> people who know about them the more likely they will
be fixed...
> As for the passwords: this is yet another area where
the Basic
> Production Setup Guide can be helpful.
> As for pulling "your" site: if you are using an old
version and not
> maintaining it yourself or working with others to
resolve issues you
> find in it (like with Sequoia/OpEnTaps), and you're
not keeping up
> with the latest changes and bug fixes, then pulling
the site and
> moving to something that you will maintain is
nothing short of an
> _excellent_ way to go.
> -David
> On Feb 15, 2006, at 11:32 AM, Andrew Dupa wrote:
> > How secure is Ofbiz?
> >
> > Am I the only one concerned about the security
holes? I would
> > happily detail those that i found but not
publically on the list
> > for those poor soles still using it. I'm pulling
my site
> > immediately and moving to another platform.
> >
> > Oh and by the way if you're using a production
site make sure you
> > change all the admin, demoadmin passwords you
wouldn't belive how
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