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Users - Spanish Translation

Posted by cesardi on Feb 15, 2006; 11:15pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Spanish-Translation-tp137447.html

Here is the general idea of making a spanish translation of the ofbiz
proyect and a little roadmap

-Translating content.
-Translating error messages
-Trnaslating Basic User Documentation
-Translating Basc Developer Documentation.
-Creating a user list for spanish people
-Feedback from spanish people to english lists.

For this we will need write acces to relevant svn portions.
The general idea is opening the proyect to spanish-talking people and
collaborate with the entire project from end users feedback to

I think is a good idea taking a look into the big world of
spanish-talking people.

Many thanks.

Cesar DiMartino
Users mailing list
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