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Re: Users - Spanish Translation

Posted by David E. Jones on Feb 16, 2006; 2:38am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Spanish-Translation-tp137447p137448.html


A couple of points of feedback:

1. Without fairly significant OFBiz experience and contributions we  
won't grant commit privileges to SVN. In fact, even after that unless  
you are doing regular work with the project that is sufficient reason  
for commit privileges we normally wouldn't grant them unless you are  
interested in helping maintain the project (which can be demonstrated  
by testing and commenting on patches, fixes outstanding issues and  
commenting and sending patches, and so on). As Si mentioned, someone  
with commit access can help review things and help you get them into  
SVN. The best way to do this is to submit patches to one or more Jira  

2. I wouldn't recommend pushing a Spanish-speaking community too far.  
I wouldn't support this at all for OFBiz development (ie development  
on the project, not customization and such). For a user community I  
would discourage it unless there is a pretty good sized group that  
does not speak English. It is tough to get along on your own, and to  
be of any value to anyone in the group it would have to be fairly  
large and active group with lots of people with a good understanding  
of OFBiz and willingness to help out.

It's great to see that there is interest in this! Don't worry about  
these details, you'll get used to the world of being part of a  
community driven open source project pretty quickly.


On Feb 15, 2006, at 4:15 PM, Cesar DiMartino wrote:

> Here is the general idea of making a spanish translation of the ofbiz
> proyect and a little roadmap
> -Translating content.
> -Translating error messages
> -Trnaslating Basic User Documentation
> -Translating Basc Developer Documentation.
> -Creating a user list for spanish people
> -Feedback from spanish people to english lists.
> For this we will need write acces to relevant svn portions.
> The general idea is opening the proyect to spanish-talking people and
> collaborate with the entire project from end users feedback to
> development.
> I think is a good idea taking a look into the big world of
> spanish-talking people.
> Many thanks.
> Cesar DiMartino
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