> Hi,
> For optional items you have to use configuration.
> Jacques
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
[hidden email]
> To:
[hidden email]
> Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:09 AM
> Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Creating Virtual Products with optional
> variants
> Hi all,
> I'm new to ofbiz. I want to know if it's possible to create
> following setup in ofbiz using Virtual Product concept:
> There is a top level virtual product (say, Box) which is a bundle
> of items. This product will have some compulsory items and a list
> of optional items (I don't know if optional items are possible to
> set up using virtual product !!).
> Suppose we have 10 optional different constituent items which can
> be selected in a Box.
> Now I want to create 5 different variants (with sequence number 1
> to 5) of each constituent items.
> When a user selects the Box product then all the compulsory as well
> as optional constituent items will be displayed. Note that at a
> time, only one of the variant of each optional item is displayed.
> The constraint on the optional items is these can be
> selected only a predefined MAX no. of times, e.g., a total of 5
> optional constituent items can be selected for a Box product. It
> can be either all 5 variants of a single optional item or it can be
> aggregated from different optional consituent items.
> Thanks in advance,
> Agent Smith,
> Real World
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