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Users - Debugging Scheduled Jobs Tip

Posted by Lon F. Binder-2 on Feb 16, 2006; 3:40pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Debugging-Scheduled-Jobs-Tip-tp137457.html

All -
After spending a few hours working through an issue, I'd like to provide an interesting (albeit obvious in hindsight) tip.
We had two different OFBiz installations sharing the same database.  One was a dev environment, the other was a QA environment (for the same target application).  This led to different versions of the same codebase across the two environments.  All in all, this was a fine approach for sharing the general data (store, catalog, parties, etc.).
However, a consequence was overlapping job queue workers.  Depending on the timing jobs would be worked on by the two applications running.  And because the code base was slightly different (due to ongoing development), sometimes the jobs would work and sometimes they wouldn't.
TIP: Don't let multiple OFBiz application environments (dev, qa, etc.) share a single OFBiz database, at least while you're testing/developing scheduled jobs.
 - Lon

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