Re: Users - Debugging Scheduled Jobs Tip
Posted by
Andrew Sykes on
Feb 16, 2006; 8:30pm
I have tried this, but it pretty much leads to the same problems as
replacing whole files.
If it wasn't for the sheer flexibility of OFBiz config, I'd suggest this
as something to add to the trunk, but it would be so difficult to
maintain the hundreds of variables involved. You also have to remember
that while most setups involve just tweaking the files, for others it's
a matter of writing whole new blocks of XML. So some setups just need to
replace an attribute value whereas others require adding line upon line.
I think the only way this can work is if the trunk follows this pattern,
but this would make life so much more difficult for the unfortunate few
that I don't really think it's practical.
One solution you may want to consider (though I've never tried this).
Perhaps you could create a set of patches and place your @variables@ in
the patch files. That way you'd only have a single set of patches, but
could customise them for your various environments.
Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <
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Sykes Development Ltd
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