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Re: Users - Party Education and Work Experience Entities

Posted by Vinay Agarwal on Feb 20, 2006; 7:08pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Party-Education-and-Work-Experience-Entities-tp137515p137516.html

It must be Monday morning, everyone is in full swing! BTW, thanks for
looking into it.

I assumed an education institution or a company would become a party (party
group) but I wasn't going to enter all possible schools and companies. I was
simply going to create a new entity from the data the user provides. And
yes, that would mean duplications since users may not type the name and
address exactly the same way. I wasn't too worried about duplications at
this time although I thought about implementing something similar to "Wells
Fargo Online" in future that does a heuristic search from the user input and
presents user options for choosing an existing party in addition to creating
a new one.

Regarding using the PartyQual and PartyQualType, it would work for my
purpose but adds 2 entities (excluding institution/company) for each
education/experience instead of 1. I am OK with either approach and would
let others suggest the preferred approach.

Vinay Agarwal

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of Chris Howe
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 10:20 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Party Education and Work Experience Entities

I agree with Adrian.  It's much more reusable to use
the Party Entity.  If there's information about
educational institutions that needs to be modeled
differently use the "hasTable" in the partyType

============Adrian Crum wrote:

Vinay's suggestion includes an "instituteId" field -
which I assume points to
information about an educational institution. That is
no different than making
the institution a party, so why introduce an
unnecessary entity? If Vinay's
"instituteId" can be accomodated by the Party entity,
then why make a custom
entity to tie the two together? Just use

It looks to me like the amount of data stored in
Vinay's suggestion is no
different than the one I suggested.

Si Chen wrote:

> I agree with Jeffrey.  There is no need to create
Party and
> PartyRelationship unless you are actively working
with that Party.  If
> an employee went to a certain high school at some
point but that's that,
> and you don't have any other activities with that
high school, why
> create a Party for it?
> Si
> Blessing, Jeffrey J wrote:
>>Wouldn't this mean that every possible college,
university, school of
>>higher learning, etc. would potentially need to be
entered as an entity
>>into the database just to model education?  This
sounds like a lot of
>>work just to represent the fact that someone has a
degree from
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: users-bounces at lists.ofbiz.org
>>[mailto:users-bounces at lists.ofbiz.org] On Behalf
Of Adrian Crum
>>Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 11:00 AM
>>To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
>>Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - Party Education and
Work Experience
>>This seems to duplicate the PartyRelationship
entity. I would recommend
>>the educational institution a party (or party
group), create roles for
>>institution and student, then link them together
>>You'll still need an entity or property to persist
the degree.

>>Vinay Agarwal wrote:
>>>I need party education and work experience entities
to build resume
>>>structure for a party. The entities that I came up
for them are

>>>  1. Am doing it write?
>>>  2. Is it worth putting them back on OFBiz?
>>>Vinay Agarwal
>>>   <entity entity-name="Education"
>>>                                   title="Party
Education Entity">
>>>                       <field name="partyId"

>>>                       <field name="instituteId"
>>>                       <field name="degree"

>>>                       <field name="studentId"
>>>                       <field name="fromDate"
>>>                       <field name="thruDate"
>>>                       <prim-key field="partyId"/>
>>>                       <prim-key
>>>                       <prim-key field="fromDate"/>
>>>                       <relation type="one"
>>>                                   <key-map
>>>                       </relation>
>>>                       <relation type="one"
>>>                                   <key-map

>>>                       </relation>
>>>   </entity>
>>>   <entity entity-name="Experience"
>>>                                   title="Party
Experience Entity">
>>>                       <field name="partyId"
>>>                       <field name="companyId"

>>>                       <field name="titleLast"
>>>                       <field name="description"
>>>                       <field name="fromDate"
>>>                       <field name="thruDate"
>>>                       <prim-key field="partyId"/>
>>>                       <prim-key
>>>                       <prim-key field="fromDate"/>
>>>                       <relation type="one"
>>>                                   <key-map
>>>                       </relation>
>>>                       <relation type="one"
>>>                                   <key-map

>>>                       </relation>
>>>   </entity>
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