institution, then I suppose a Party/PartyGroup would be the best thing.
fields: PLANNED, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, DEFERRED, etc. etc. While you
capable of accommodating different states, instead of just Y/N. Perhaps
when. (Again, if you need them.)
with education history requiring more fields. For example, a Cisco
similar attributes. Some fields may not be used for certain
qualifications, but if the key approve/state codes, etc. are the same,
for text data. I think the idea is to keep a pure text version of
nobody has contributed those yet. If you contribute some of your
changes I can look at them and put them in for you.
>If I understand it correctly, in order to accommodate my requirements,
>PartyQual would add the following fields
>1. Institution or company name
>2. Degree
>3. Student/employee id (needed for verification)
>4. Last job title or major
>5. Degree completed or not (I added it since I first sent the email)
>I also think that institution/company contact information is also needed for
>verification although it may be found from public sources after spending
>some time. For this reason, I am leaning toward creating party for
>company/institution. That would change item 1 to partyId.
>Lastly, if there are only a few PartyQualType, how are they envisioned to be
>used? It seems to have its root in job/task requirements which has
>predefined qualifications. A party bidding for that job/task may state their
>experience with that qualification type. Resume seems to be a bit different
>functionality and therefore it may be better to keep them separate.
>-----Original Message-----
[hidden email] [mailto:
[hidden email]]
>On Behalf Of Si Chen
>Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 11:21 AM
>To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
>Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - Party Education and Work Experience Entities
>>Regarding using the PartyQual and PartyQualType, it would work for my
>>purpose but adds 2 entities (excluding institution/company) for each
>>education/experience instead of 1. I am OK with either approach and would
>>let others suggest the preferred approach.
>Actually you would only be using PartyQual most of the time. You'd just
>be adding a seed data for PartyQualType.
>>Vinay Agarwal
>>-----Original Message-----
[hidden email] [mailto:
[hidden email]]
>>On Behalf Of Chris Howe
>>Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 10:20 AM
[hidden email]
>>Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Party Education and Work Experience Entities
>>I agree with Adrian. It's much more reusable to use
>>the Party Entity. If there's information about
>>educational institutions that needs to be modeled
>>differently use the "hasTable" in the partyType
>>============Adrian Crum wrote:
>>Vinay's suggestion includes an "instituteId" field -
>>which I assume points to
>>information about an educational institution. That is
>>no different than making
>>the institution a party, so why introduce an
>>unnecessary entity? If Vinay's
>>"instituteId" can be accomodated by the Party entity,
>>then why make a custom
>>entity to tie the two together? Just use
>>It looks to me like the amount of data stored in
>>Vinay's suggestion is no
>>different than the one I suggested.
>>Si Chen wrote:
>>>I agree with Jeffrey. There is no need to create
>>Party and
>>>PartyRelationship unless you are actively working
>>with that Party. If
>>>an employee went to a certain high school at some
>>point but that's that,
>>>and you don't have any other activities with that
>>high school, why
>>>create a Party for it?
>>>Blessing, Jeffrey J wrote:
>>>>Wouldn't this mean that every possible college,
>>university, school of
>>>>higher learning, etc. would potentially need to be
>>entered as an entity
>>>>into the database just to model education? This
>>sounds like a lot of
>>>>work just to represent the fact that someone has a
>>degree from
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: users-bounces at
>>>>[mailto:users-bounces at] On Behalf
>>Of Adrian Crum
>>>>Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 11:00 AM
>>>>To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
>>>>Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - Party Education and
>>Work Experience
>>>>This seems to duplicate the PartyRelationship
>>entity. I would recommend
>>>>the educational institution a party (or party
>>group), create roles for
>>>>institution and student, then link them together
>>>>You'll still need an entity or property to persist
>>the degree.
>>>>Vinay Agarwal wrote:
>>>>>I need party education and work experience entities
>>to build resume
>>>>>structure for a party. The entities that I came up
>>for them are
>>>>>1. Am doing it write?
>>>>>2. Is it worth putting them back on OFBiz?
>>>>>Vinay Agarwal
>>>>> <entity entity-name="Education"
>>>>> title="Party
>>Education Entity">
>>>>> <field name="partyId"
>>>>> <field name="instituteId"
>>>>> <field name="degree"
>>>>> <field name="studentId"
>>>>> <field name="fromDate"
>>>>> <field name="thruDate"
>>>>> <prim-key field="partyId"/>
>>>>> <prim-key
>>>>> <prim-key field="fromDate"/>
>>>>> <relation type="one"
>>>>> <key-map
>>>>> </relation>
>>>>> <relation type="one"
>>>>> <key-map
>>>>> </relation>
>>>>> </entity>
>>>>> <entity entity-name="Experience"
>>>>> title="Party
>>Experience Entity">
>>>>> <field name="partyId"
>>>>> <field name="companyId"
>>>>> <field name="titleLast"
>>>>> <field name="description"
>>>>> <field name="fromDate"
>>>>> <field name="thruDate"
>>>>> <prim-key field="partyId"/>
>>>>> <prim-key
>>>>> <prim-key field="fromDate"/>
>>>>> <relation type="one"
>>>>> <key-map
>>>>> </relation>
>>>>> <relation type="one"
>>>>> <key-map
>>>>> </relation>
>>>>> </entity>
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