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Re: Users - resultinpool.java ->getbigdecimal

Posted by David E. Jones on Mar 28, 2006; 5:36pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-resultinpool-java-getbigdecimal-tp138136p138145.html


No, GenericValue doesn't have that method. It is on the GenericEntity class so it can be shared between GenericValue and GenericPK. And yes, it does exist. I wrote it myself a few months back and just checked it and it is there.

The name, BTW, is not "GetBigDecimal". Following standard Java naming conventions it starts with a lower case letter and is "getBigDecimal".

So, keep looking. The problem is NOT with the code. Chances are your setup is not what you think it is.


BJ Freeman wrote:

> OK
> the GenericValue Class, based on the link si posted, does not have a
> getBigDecimal Method.
> the lines I posted follow a var declared as GenericValue.
> I have the latest both of the ofbiz trunk and finacials. neither of the
> genericType class have the GetBigDecimal.
> BJ Freeman sent the following on 3/28/06 3:03 AM:
>> Ok, I guess what is being said is there other files in the framework
>> that have to be changed to support the financials. Strange that I got
>> this one error in all the financials, though.
>> I am anxious to get them running.
>> will work on it now I have a fresh mind.
>> :)
>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 3/27/06 3:32 PM:
>>> Yes I did that. maybe I am missing a file?
>>> David E. Jones sent the following on 3/27/06 3:03 PM:
>>>> To interpret what Si said: perhaps you are using a recent revision of the financials package with an older version of OFBiz (or maybe you just need to refresh your Eclipse project).
>>>> -David
>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>> Are you using Eclipse with sdk 1.4.2_11?
>>>>> my understanding is
>>>>> BigDecimal  cost =
>>>>> then cost is assigned the appropriate java.math.BigDecimal cast.
>>>>> all of the rest code the uses BigDecimal as a Cast throws no error.
>>>>> just the ones using .GetBigDecimal defined in resultsetpool.java
>>>>> or am I missing something.
>>>>> Si Chen sent the following on 3/27/06 2:40 PM:
>>>>>> They compile for me, and that method is now part of the API:
>>>>>> http://www.ofbiz.org/api/framework/entity/build/javadocs/index.html
>>>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>> accountsHelper.java ->many lines -> line 57
>>>>>>> uitlsCOGS.java ->many lines -> line 41
>>>>>>> ledgerservices.java ->many lines -> line 39
>>>>>>> what other info do I need to send?
>>>>>>> Si Chen sent the following on 3/27/06 12:45 PM:
>>>>>>>> Any more details than this?
>>>>>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Eclipse compiler has a error GetBigDecimal(string) is undefined for
>>>>>>>>> type Generic value
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