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Re: Users - Users - Webtools Import error when content containsAl

Posted by BJ Freeman on Mar 28, 2006; 11:05am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Re-Users-Users-Webtools-Import-error-when-content-containsAl-tp138150p138151.html

Not sure if you language setting may have something to do with this.
just a thought.

tibor katelbach sent the following on 3/28/06 12:23 AM:

> Hi Al and Ray
> I confirm that even the file import doesn't work for us on Sequoia 0.8 when
> well formated xml files are imported. we found that only hexa versions of
> accent caracters go through which would mean we'd have to transform our
> imported data.
> could you guys tell if it works for you ?
> with é or even é
> Thanks for the help
> Tibor
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