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Re: Users - Users - Webtools Import error when content containsAl

Posted by Ray Barlow on Mar 28, 2006; 11:00am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Re-Users-Users-Webtools-Import-error-when-content-containsAl-tp138150p138154.html


I've tested against the latest SVN only, don't have Sequoia loaded or to
hand but I don't think there have been any major changes in this area to
the SVN version. Also as I said last time I had this working over a year
and a half ago so it really is more likely something about your set up
rather than a Sequoia bug.

The attached file imports fine for me using both methods i.e. import
from file or copy and paste into the text box and import from there.

When using the file import method it will fail if the character encoding
for the *FILE* is not correct. You must check this as it depends on how
you create the file as to what the encoding is. You can use jEdit as I
mentioned before or I just looked in Eclipse and found it at the bottom
of the "Edit" menu under "Set Encoding" on version 3.1.2, make sure the
encoding is UTF-8.

When reading Excel files and creating entity ready XML files from them I
do remember having to play with the file creation routine to make sure
it created the file with the correct encoding. Something like:
  outstream = new FileOutputStream(filename);
  out = new OutputStreamWriter(outstream, "UTF-8");
but this bit depends on how you create your XML file though so you'd
need to investigate that further.


tibor katelbach wrote:

> Hi Al and Ray
> I confirm that even the file import doesn't work for us on Sequoia 0.8
> when well formated xml files are imported. we found that only hexa
> versions of accent caracters go through which would mean we'd have to
> transform our imported data.
> could you guys tell if it works for you ?
> with é or even é
> Thanks for the help
> Tibor
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Product productId="1001007" productName="Whoozit Water Matéé"/>


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