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Users - what is the functionality of this line

Posted by puranisank on Mar 29, 2006; 8:54am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-what-is-the-functionality-of-this-line-tp138195.html

The line "reviews = product.getRelatedCache("ProductReview", null, UtilMisc.toList("-postedDateTime"));" is within,


I think this line creates a query, "select * from Product_Review order by posted_Date_Time desc";

The symbol "-" inside UtilMisc.toList("-postedDateTime") says the order is descending.

The null inside the statement product.getRelatedCache("ProductReview",null,...) denotes that there is no any condition in this query.

This line is essential for displaying the small images for the selected category.

Can anyone please give me your suggestions if I am correct or not.


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