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Users - Ecommerce : removing payment from quickcheckout form ?

Posted by oceatoon on Mar 29, 2006; 11:21am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Ecommerce-removing-payment-from-quickcheckout-form-tp138196.html


My objective is to remove the payment module from the quickcheckout form , my client wants this in a separate screen right after choosing gift packaging or not .

in practise , as I remove from the ftl , the payment method selection block from the form
the /setOption, keeps returning "please choose a payment method" , I looked through the java  Service implementation behind the /setOption but can't figure out how to remove it.

it works with updateCheckoutOptions, what differences might there be ?

is calcTax and calcShipping essential for the processorder to go through without problems or is it included in the processorder ?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

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