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Users - quickship instock quantity of an item

Posted by Fred Forester-2 on Apr 19, 2006; 2:42pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-quickship-instock-quantity-of-an-item-tp138618.html

Hi All,

Im looking to allow quickship to also ship the instock quantity of a
single line item. e.g. an item has a qty of 20, 10 are instock 10 are
backordered so ship the 10 items.

so rather than carve up createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup would it
be better to

1) create a new order item with the instock quantity
2) adjust the pre existing item leaving just backordered items
3) include the new item in the list for

(suggestions welcome)


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