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Re: Users - Integrating external apps with OFBiz

Posted by Nick Olson on Apr 20, 2006; 9:35pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Integrating-external-apps-with-OFBiz-tp138624p138626.html

Well, I was able to import the data into the OFBiz database, and I'm
able to access it from within OFBiz.

Is there some way that external applications can connect to OFBiz or to
the entity engine and make requests? I'm able to pull data directly from
the OFBiz database (I've got OFBiz using a MySQL database right now),
but there should be a better way to do this, right?


BJ Freeman wrote:

> Short answer not easily.
> unlike PHP, ofbiz is not a DB based application. there is a layer in
> ofbiz that connects to the DB. Ofbiz also does not know of the data you
> may have in the mysql db, unless you define Enitieites for it.
> access to the Data is done thru a business framework.
> If you look at the FTL's it will give you an Idea of what you would have
> to implement in the PHP code to connect to ofbiz, but not your data.
> Here is one big difference, in PHP you do the DB queries. if you use PHP
> you would need to user the services of ofbiz to get and store data.
> The next is PHP can not run inside ofbiz, since it uses a different
> scripting engine.
> Nick Olson sent the following on 4/19/06 4:19 PM:
>> Apologies if this question has already been answered somewhere, but I
>> was looking for information on how to integrate an already existing
>> website with OFBiz. The websites I am looking to integrate are written
>> in PHP, and the data is in MySQL databases. How difficult would it be to
>> have a website written in PHP hook into OFBiz?
>> Thanks,
>> -Nick
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