able to access it from within OFBiz.
> Short answer not easily.
> unlike PHP, ofbiz is not a DB based application. there is a layer in
> ofbiz that connects to the DB. Ofbiz also does not know of the data you
> may have in the mysql db, unless you define Enitieites for it.
> access to the Data is done thru a business framework.
> If you look at the FTL's it will give you an Idea of what you would have
> to implement in the PHP code to connect to ofbiz, but not your data.
> Here is one big difference, in PHP you do the DB queries. if you use PHP
> you would need to user the services of ofbiz to get and store data.
> The next is PHP can not run inside ofbiz, since it uses a different
> scripting engine.
> Nick Olson sent the following on 4/19/06 4:19 PM:
>> Apologies if this question has already been answered somewhere, but I
>> was looking for information on how to integrate an already existing
>> website with OFBiz. The websites I am looking to integrate are written
>> in PHP, and the data is in MySQL databases. How difficult would it be to
>> have a website written in PHP hook into OFBiz?
>> Thanks,
>> -Nick
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