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Users - Running OFBiz on MacBookPro and Java5 ?

Posted by Charles So-2 on Apr 21, 2006; 9:58am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Running-OFBiz-on-MacBookPro-and-Java5-tp138654.html


I ran a quick test on a new MBP 2.0GHz, and the result seems to be very

Compiling OFBiz using the latest trunk, java 1.4.2_09 on :
1) G4/400 1.2GB RAM takes                    35 mins
2) MBP/2GHz 1GB RAM takes                    1min 35 sec

Ummm.... anyone get similar result? I can now finally do some serious

As the new Intel native Java5 has just been released, I expect the
performance to be even better.

Understand that someone got OFBiz running in Java5 with special config,
so my questions are :

Is anyone developing OFBiz on the new Intel Macs? Tried running it using
the new Java5 for Intel?

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