Posted by
Ray Barlow on
Apr 21, 2006; 3:06pm
When you say "Compiling" do you include the Derby database creation i.e.
ant run-install ?
I'll assume you do and just comment for the archives again that although
Derby is nice and easy out of the box you will be better off doing the
simple switch in entityengine.xml to something like postgres and getting
the JDBC drivers.
For me on this laptop, AMD64/3200 800 1GB - ubuntu, "ant run-install"
from clean takes 22 mins using Derby, but the likes of postgres and hsql
take minutes.
Charles LC So wrote:
>I ran a quick test on a new MBP 2.0GHz, and the result seems to be very
>Compiling OFBiz using the latest trunk, java 1.4.2_09 on :
>1) G4/400 1.2GB RAM takes 35 mins
>2) MBP/2GHz 1GB RAM takes 1min 35 sec
>Ummm.... anyone get similar result? I can now finally do some serious
>As the new Intel native Java5 has just been released, I expect the
>performance to be even better.
>Understand that someone got OFBiz running in Java5 with special config,
>so my questions are :
>Is anyone developing OFBiz on the new Intel Macs? Tried running it using
>the new Java5 for Intel?
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