Posted by
olivier.heintz on
Apr 24, 2006; 8:47pm
Hi everyone !
This year and for the seventh time, the "Rencontres Mondiales des
Logiciels Libres - RMLL 2006" also called "Libre Software Meeting"
;-) will take place in
Vandoeuvre-Lès-Nancy (France) from next July, 4 till July, 8.
"This is a worldwide meeting for developers and those involved in
free software community. Every year, more than fifty nationalities are
represented. According to the specifics work methodologies of free
software development, this event is an unique occasion for people to
meet each other, to show their works, to share their knowledge and to
exchange with end-users in a non-business basis."
As Nereide is getting stronger and serener, we thought it could be
interesting to take this opportunity to organize the first "European
OFbiz Meeting".
This rendezvous would be settled on July, from 6 until 8.
Obviously, this invitation is opened to anyone who cares about the
OFBiz project, including all word's regions, even if we do know it's a
special time for our American friends !
During these three days, the young "Association Neogia" would also be
present and would like to plan a meeting where users, contributors and
maintainers could meet and exchange on their experiences on both OFBiz
& Neogia projects.
We thought about work sessions, discussion groups, etc.
Topics could be Component or sub-components presentation, Projects
communication, Association Neogia targets,
Technical choices, Relationships between OFBiz & OFbiz Neogia
solutions integrators, Neogia project, etc. All other subjets are very
This could be stimulating to collaborate on such issues and why not
having fun too on this occasion?
We are working on a suggested agenda; fell free to tell us what
you would like to talk about.
Of course, all these meetings would be held in English
if non French-speaking participants were
present (especially the OFBiz community people).
How does it sound to you?
We would really appreciate your
and reactions to go forward on the organization details.
Looking forward to hear from you soon.
Freely yours,
Users mailing list
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