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Re: Users - Content Management

Posted by Hans Bakker on May 07, 2006; 4:11am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Content-Management-tp139018p139020.html


In the application in the specialized/opentravelsystem directory is an example
that does this. In the hotelfrontend application is a home page you can edit
in the hotelbackend application with a wysiwyg edit in explorer and firefox.
Not perfect yet, but you get the idea.

Hans Bakker
ANT Websystems Co.,Ltd (http://www.antwebsystems.com)

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On Sunday 07 May 2006 00:42, Tim Ruppert wrote:

> As I mentioned in a previous email, I have purchased the first month of
> the the online documentation and have been reading up on how everything
> fits together in the Catalog management application.  I feel that i have
> a pretty good handle on most aspects, but there are aspects where I am a
> little weak.
> In 2000 I created an ecommerce application for a customer who I am in
> the process of porting to ofbiz at the moment.  His requirements fit in
> pretty amazingly well considering how challenging the task was the first
> time around.  That being said, the place where I feel like I'm
> struggling is in figuring out exactly how the content management
> component is used in conjunction with the Catalog management application
> to give him the control he has always had.
> He's #1 in Google in just about ALL of his keywords, so it's important
> that I'm able to give him the level of flexibility that he has had over
> the last 6 years.  The requirements are relatively simple:
> 1. The ability to add and edit pages like an FAQ, Home Page, Contact Us,
> etc 2. The ability to add and edit pieces of the Product Detail and
> Category pages:
> ---A. The Meta Information - description, classification, Title, author,
> etc.
> ---B. A relatively large snippet of product or category description
> ---C. The Did you know? section
> ---D. More information about the product that could be available as a
> popup (don't get lost here in this requirement ;) )
> ---E. A policy section above the footer
> ---F. The page footer
> Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks again
> Cheers,
> Tim

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