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Search engine friendly URL's

Posted by rohit on May 21, 2006; 3:08pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Search-engine-friendly-URL-s-tp139374.html


is there any way one can edit the product URL's. The URL's currently include the session ID and are not search engine friendly. It will be helpful if the URls' were made to inculde the product name and that the session ID's were removed. I guess having session id causes something called google dance, wherein googlebot, gets entagled in the different session id each time it crawls a website.

Having the product name in the URL is said to help search engine ranking. one migh search for a product on ebay and check the URL. the URL includes the product name, auction ID, and categry too. This might be subjective, but having the product name in URL does help in search engine rankings.
