> The problem I reported earlier is still present.
> Procedure to reproduce problem:
> 1. Checkout from svn in a fresh directory. The problem doesn't show up if
> Ofbiz has run from that directory (see procedure to make it work).
> 2. ant run-install-seed
> 3. startofbiz. The problem should show up within a few seconds.
> Procedure to make it work with the latest version.
> 1. Back up to revision 7632.
> 2. ant run-install-seed
> 3. startofbiz. OFBiz should work with this version. Stop ofbiz.
> 4. Update to the revision 7650.
> 5. ant run-install-seed
> 6. startofbiz. This time ofbiz would work just fine.
> To make it fail again
> 1. ant clean
> 2. ant
> 3. startofbiz. It should fail in a few seconds.
> Regards,
> Vinay Agarwal
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
[hidden email] [mailto:
[hidden email]]
> On Behalf Of Jacopo Cappellato
> Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:22 PM
> To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - 7644: Error during startup
> Vinay,
> I cannot reproduce this error.
> Please try:
> ant clean
> ant build
> Jacopo
> Vinay Agarwal wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I get the following error:
>> D:\Server\ofbizSVN>"c:\j2sdk1.4.2_11\bin\java" -Xms256M -Xmx512M -jar
>> ofbiz.jar 1>logs\console.log
>> org.ofbiz.base.start.StartupException: Cannot locate container class
>> (org.ofbiz.webtools.print.rmi.FopPrintServer)
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