Re: Users - Ecommerce app error
Posted by
Hans Bakker on
May 22, 2006; 12:46pm
Dear Charles,
it helps increasing your knowledge of the system if you first try to find the
problem yourself before asking the question here.... In this case try to find
where the productstore load data is located....
the name of the file is: DemoProduct.xml
perhaps you can ques the answer now when you only loaded the seed data?
Hans Bakker
ANT Websystems Co.,Ltd (
If you want to verify that this message really originates from
from the above person, download the public key from: Monday 22 May 2006 18:18, Charles Johnson wrote:
> There is no ProductStore for this WebSite; Check Settings.
> Why would that be the case on a fresh copy (r. ofbiz7655) after having done
> ant run-install-seed
> ?
> CJ
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