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Re: Users - Ecommerce app error

Posted by Charles Johnson-4 on May 22, 2006; 1:11pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Ecommerce-app-error-tp139403p139405.html

Hans Bakker wrote:

>Dear Charles,
>it helps increasing your knowledge of the system if you first try to find the
>problem yourself before asking the question here.... In this case try to find
>where the productstore load data is located....
>the name of the file is: DemoProduct.xml
>perhaps you can ques the answer now when you only loaded the seed data?
>Users mailing list
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It could be that my knowledge of the terminology is flawed. I imagined
that run-install was a subset of run-install-seed, data-installation-wise



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