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Users - pdf link, cybersource, & mail errors

Posted by manu-12 on May 20, 2006; 10:20pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-pdf-link-cybersource-mail-errors-tp139419.html

i have finally deployed our ecommerce site but still have a few things to

1-the pdf link in ordermgr returns the following error message:
2-i am confused as to why cybersource settings return  "cannot connect to
paymentprocessor" error
3-mail relay is not happening at all but i have setup general.properties
mail settings correctly(?)
also, there are a few template problems with the site:

we are thrilled that the site has finally gone live & we love the
customization options of this software!
any advice or words of wisdom would be appreciated (i'm still learning how
it all works).


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