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Re: Users - Value of Ofbiz.home

Posted by BJ Freeman on May 23, 2006; 1:09pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Value-of-Ofbiz-home-tp139422p139423.html

Not sure what you mean by set.
1)someone sets (adds, delete, modify) them
2) when are they are called in the code.

G.Venkata Phanindra sent the following on 5/23/2006 5:00 AM:

> Hi......
>            I want to know where n how the value of ofbiz.home is set in
> ofbiz.....
>            i came across this value in the *.properties files located in
> base/src/start/org/ofbiz/base/start/*.properties file....
>           please tell me where and how these values are set.....
>  Phani
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