Re: Users - Value of Ofbiz.home
Posted by
G.Venkata Phanindra on
May 23, 2006; 1:19pm
I have made a Few changes with respective to the ofbiz folder structure
and when i am trying to run ofbiz it is giving filenotfound as some
part of path name is missing after doing of Debugging i found
this ofbiz.home now i want to set this missing path.......
but the actual path is
On 5/23/06, BJ Freeman <[hidden email]> wrote:
Not sure what you mean by set.
1)someone sets (adds, delete, modify) them
2) when are they are called in the code.
G.Venkata Phanindra sent the following on 5/23/2006 5:00 AM:> Hi......
> I
want to know where n how the value of ofbiz.home is set in
> ofbiz.....
> i
came across this value in the *.properties files located in
> base/src/start/org/ofbiz/base/start/*.properties file....
> please tell me where and how these values are set.....
> Phani
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