Users - Opentaps documentation
Posted by
Jacques Le Roux on
May 24, 2006; 9:56am
Thanks Opentaps crew for your documentation. I understand now that it's
complementary to OFBiz "official" doc as there are many informations about
Financial and CRM.
I have a question : in "Upgrading to version 0.9" I read :
performFind service which is used on many pages to find information now has a
noConditionFind parameter which is automatically turned off. Thus, when you
click to a page, you may not see a list of all values by default. To turn it
back on, you must set parameters.noConditionFind="Y"
How and where may this parameter changed ? I saw the comment in services.xml but
did not find how to set "Y"
Also in "About this documentation" the last link is false : ;o)
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