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Re: Users - pdf link, cybersource, & mail errors

Posted by David E. Jones on May 24, 2006; 4:57am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-pdf-link-cybersource-mail-errors-tp139443p139447.html


Perhaps some details would help you get a response, like:

1. which revision/version of OFBiz are you using
2. have you reviewed the Basic Production Setup Guide?

To solve these problems chances are you'll have to contract with someone to review your deployment, or just read through the documentation and such until you find your problem... In truth I think the second one is really the more popular... ;)


Manu Lauzon wrote:

> i have finally deployed our ecommerce site but still have a few things to
> fix:)
> 1-the pdf link in ordermgr returns the following error message:
> "java.lang.NullPointerException"
> 2-i am confused as to why cybersource settings return  "cannot connect to
> paymentprocessor" error
> 3-mail relay is not happening at all but i have setup general.properties
> mail settings correctly(?)
> also, there are a few template problems with the site:
> http://www.jomamaco.com
> we are thrilled that the site has finally gone live & we love the
> customization options of this software!
> any advice or words of wisdom would be appreciated (i'm still learning how
> it all works).
> manu
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