> Hi All,
> I saw some sample OfBiz applications and I executed them also.
> But I am unable to understand the flow.
> In other frameworks the flow can easily explained.
> But in this I could not.
> We are defining the data model in XML files.
> We are not writing any JDBC code. But I want display the data which is in the
> DB on the UI( using JSP or HTML)
> In this case I need to interact with the DB.
> But No method is given to interact with DB. I am not understanding How we the
> interaction between UI and DB..?
> What are the components in OfBiz that are implementing Business Layer?
> If Services are implementing the Business Layer then what is the need of java
> source files..?
> How much java code we can use in typical OfBiz application..?
> How much java code we should actually use if We want to call it as an
> efficient OFBiz application ?
> Anyone please answer these questions and also suggest me how can I learn ofBiz
> as quickly as possible ?
> Thanks and Regards
> RamReddy.S
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