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Re: Users - Forum+Knowledge base instead of mailing list

Posted by Jacques Le Roux on May 25, 2006; 10:25am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Forum-Knowledge-base-instead-of-mailing-list-tp139454p139458.html

Just to close(?) this thread. May we have a search option on the new ASF ML
lists ? I liked very much the Firefox searchplugin Firas A. proposed.
As you can see below, it's easily adaptable to a new ML if a search option is


# OFBiz Search Plug-in
# author: Firas A.

 name  = "OFBiz Users Mailing Lists"
 description = "Search the OFBiz Mailing Lists"
 searchForm = "http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/users/"
 action  = "http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/mmsearch/users"
 method  = "GET"
 version     = "8.0"

<input name="words" user>
<input name="config" value="users">
<input name="method" value="and">
<input name="sort" value="score">
<input name="format" value="short">

 browserResultType = "result"
 resultListStart  = '<hr noshade size="1">'
 resultListEnd  = "<hr noshade size=2>"
 resultItemStart  = "> <strong>"
 resultItemEnd  = "</strong><br>"

Users mailing list
[hidden email]