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Re: Users - Forum+Knowledge base instead of mailing list

Posted by David E. Jones on May 24, 2006; 8:40pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Forum-Knowledge-base-instead-of-mailing-list-tp139454p139476.html

Yeah, this is exactly the problem with forums... We had some early on in OFBiz on the SourceForge site and it was a mess. Messages would go unnoticed for weeks sometimes. Of course, we had both mailing lists and forums at the time, and most people used the mailing lists. So, we tossed the forums.


Andrew Sykes wrote:

> As someone who seems to answer a lot more questions than I ask, I would
> certainly find the forum format annoying.
> I generally just let the ML stuff flow in all day and whenever I have a
> free moment I scan through and see if there's anything I can help with.
> If I had to be more proactive, i.e. browse through a forum waiting for
> pages to load etc, I just wouldn't bother.
> I think that this kind of demonstrates a problem, I can understand that
> for those who want to find info quickly, a forum is better, but for
> those who provide the answers the process is much less painful as a ML.
> So I guess I'm saying that I much prefer the status quo...
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