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Re: Users - Forum+Knowledge base instead of mailing list

Posted by Jacques Le Roux on May 24, 2006; 4:11pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Forum-Knowledge-base-instead-of-mailing-list-tp139454p139480.html

Hi Vinay,
You certainly guess that this has alreday been asked in the past. If you search in MLs you will find answers. But yes, it was a lot easier when MLs had an internal search option (and even a plugin to search from firefox-google field).
The other way is to use Google option "site:lists.ofbiz.org" but you have to crawl between every ML and svn ml is prominent...
In think the reason is that it's a lot less time consuming to admin a ML than forums... Because forums to be good tools must be regularly administred.
----- Original Message -----
From: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 4:19 PM
Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Forum+Knowledge base instead of mailing list



Is it worthwhile to switch to forum format (possibly with a knowledge base) since forums are generally better at organizing information? Many new OFBiz users may benefit for this format and, as a result, reduce questions whose answers can be found easily on the forum. Also, if OFBiz forum component is operational, it may be a good test for it.



Vinay Agarwal


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