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Re: Users - Apache, mod_jk, SSL Cert - Why do I see OFBiz Test Cert?

Posted by BJ Freeman on May 29, 2006; 3:47am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-Apache-mod-jk-SSL-Cert-Why-do-I-see-OFBiz-Test-Cert-tp139503p139504.html

in the production setup manual it specifies where the cert is and the
configuration parms.
remember ofbiz and the webserver it used are self contained. they do not
access anything outside the ofbiz_home directory.

Vinay Agarwal sent the following on 5/28/2006 6:17 PM:

> Hello,
> I am running OFBiz on CentOS 4.3/Apache 2/mod_jk and I have self signed ssl
> cert which works correctly when not going through OFBiz. When I click Login
> on OFBiz, I am presented with the OFBiz Test cert.  
> 1. What did I miss in configuration that it is not getting the ssl cert from
> Apache?
> 2. Should the OFBiz Test cert be somehow disabled for this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Vinay Agarwal
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