Re: Users - Linking form fields
Posted by
G.Venkata Phanindra on
May 30, 2006; 6:46am
I am also trying to fix a
similar kind of problem i belive that the option expressed by BJ
Freeman is the Best option to this problem.Freeman it will be great
help for us if u provide More information on your approach .....
On 5/30/06, David E. Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:
is currently nothing like this implemented in the form widget. It is a
tricky thing to do in HTML, though there are various approaches for
both pre-loaded data and data that is retrieved when needed from the
We have done some things with popup windows doing lookups based on other form fields, if that is an option for you...
Jacques Bergeron wrote:
> Hi,
> I searched for a way to automatically link fields in a form widget
> definition and could not find anything in the docs (including google
> advanced search of the mailing list archives).
>> I try to apply the basic pattern of changing a list box items when a
> user selects an item in another list box.
> I know you can do that using javascript but I suppose Ofbiz has a way to
> generate the scripts automatically from the form definitions.
> Thanks in advance for the response
> Jacques
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