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Re: Users - content component question

Posted by Charles Johnson-4 on May 29, 2006; 7:23am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Users-content-component-question-tp139523p139524.html

Hans Bakker wrote:

>Currently i am implementing a part of the content component into the
>If i look at the content component datamodel i see the following:
>a content table which can contain content items with the type "publishpoint"
>and "document" which can be related to each other over the ContentAssoc
>If i specify a 'publishpoint' contentId in a widget form and link a 'document'
>contentId to the 'publishpoint' contentId in the contentAssoc table,
>shouldn't the dataresource 'document' of the document content be displayed?
>currently i get and error that the resourceId cannot be found....because the
>publishpoint does not have a resourceid....
>Al or David or can anyone help?
>Users mailing list
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Studying the following may help - you need a DataResource associated
with your Content:


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