Re: ofbiz hangs during startup
Posted by Walter Vaughan on Aug 03, 2006; 2:09pm
Mark Thomas wrote:
> I have tried installing ofBiz on freeBSD 4.11, but it hangs during startup.
First, the only testing I have done with Apache OFBiz is on a 6.1 box.
What's the hardware like on your box? FreeBSD 4.11 will run in character mode
just fine with just 32 Meg of memory, which from my limited POV will not run
ofBiz at all. Also, threads have been drastically improved with current 5 and 6
series so it may behoove you to pick up a cheap box for testing with 1 gig
memory and work with enough memory for ofBiz to do its thing (Note: FreeBSD 6
will also run on 32 meg memory, my point is that you may be running out of
Second, what Java SDK did you use? Native or Linux? Did you use the ports
collection method to install? Mine looks like this:
$ java -version
java version "1.4.2-p8"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-p8-filepro_04_may_2006_11_30, mixed mode)
Third, what user are you starting up as? Are you logging in as a member of the
wheel group and su'ing into root, or running from the console as root?