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Re: Tax Information

Posted by Tim Ruppert on Aug 05, 2006; 4:30pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Tax-Information-tp141176p141179.html

I tried this with checkout with login both times - using a valid address
in Salt Lake City and a valid address in Monterey, CA - with no luck.  
Maybe it has something to do with the project you purchased, hmmm.

I'll give it another whirl today - thanks for taking a look.


Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


David E. Jones wrote:

> Tim,
> I'm not sure what's up... I just tried it with the OOTB code and demo
> data (the DemoCustomer account is in Utah, in fact in Orem because I
> knew a zip code off the top of my head) and it seems to be calculating
> the taxes just fine...
> It might be best to step back and walk through the setup or the
> execution and see what you find... BTW, note that the
> SimpleSalesTaxLookup entity is no longer used (use the tax authority
> product rate one instead); I noticed one of those was in your file in
> your previous email.
> -David
> On Aug 4, 2006, at 5:00 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>> In loading the demo data, I was unable to get Sales Tax information
>> coming out using either a Utah address or a California address.  Is
>> anyone else having this problem with the demo data?
>> Cheers,
>> Tim
>> Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>> If anyone would like to contribute their TaxAuthority seed data file
>>> - it would be a great benefit.  I'm having trouble getting the
>>> DemoTaxAuthority.xml translated to do just california based taxes.
>>> I've added the GIAccount entries from the
>>> DemoGeneralChartOfAccounts.xml, but I want to add counties, etc to
>>> the list as well?
>>> I"ve attached my existing CompanyTaxAuthority.xml at the end of the
>>> email.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tim