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Re: Tax Information

Posted by Tim Ruppert on Aug 05, 2006; 5:48pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Tax-Information-tp141176p141182.html

Jacques, that's a great piece of information that I had definitely
overlooked.  That seems to me to be a VERY big problem though as you
want to be able to charge taxes to anyone that orders anything - not
just people who want their information stored, correct?


Jacques Le Roux wrote:

> From: "Tim Ruppert" <[hidden email]>
>> I meant to say that I used checkout WITHOUT login both times - not the
>> demo user.  Sorry if this caused any confusion.  When I tried it with
>> the DemoCustomer, I too got Sales Tax computed for the order.  I'll go
>> back and start seeing where it got mixed up, but it's possible that this
>> is just not working for checkout without login.
> Tim, if you use checkout WITHOUT login there is no GEO defined for the user hence no taxes because taxes are defined by GEO.
> Jacques