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Re: Tax Information

Posted by Tim Ruppert on Aug 06, 2006; 3:28pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Tax-Information-tp141176p141187.html

FYI - as I stated yesterday, I was able to get the sales tax calculation
to happen with DemoCustomer.  When I went in this morning and added
another customer that lives in Utah, it DID NOT get sales tax calculated
for it when they were logged in :(

It appears that I've got even more digging to do.


David E. Jones wrote:

> Thanks Tim.
> -David
> On Aug 5, 2006, at 12:48 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>> David E. Jones wrote:
>>> On Aug 5, 2006, at 11:15 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>> From: "Tim Ruppert" <[hidden email]>
>>>>> Jacques, that's a great piece of information that I had definitely
>>>>> overlooked.  That seems to me to be a VERY big problem though as you
>>>>> want to be able to charge taxes to anyone that orders anything - not
>>>>> just people who want their information stored, correct?
>>>> As long as taxes are defined by the GEO where the resident lives.
>>>> If you have no information about that point how may you charge
>>>> taxes ?
>>>> For example if I work on a contract in France I will have to apply
>>>> taxes for my services in the invoice. But if I work on a contract
>>>> outside France no taxes are applied.
>>>> Shipping is not the way because the buyer is not necessarily the
>>>> one who receive the item. But as long as they pay I think that you
>>>> are able to know where they reside, not sure how to do that in each
>>>> cases though...
>>> Most jurisdictions around the world require taxes based on the
>>> shipping address, or on the billing address if a shipping address is
>>> not available or applicable (ie digital purchases and such if they
>>> are taxable).
>>> In other words, I think this would really be more of a bug than
>>> something that inherently can't be implemented.
>>> It sounds like OFBiz is not doing tax calculation for the
>>> "anonymous" checkout properly and that needs to be fixed.
>>> Tim: could you throw an issue into Jira for this? Hopefully it will
>>> be a minor issue to fix and something just isn't tied in correctly.
>>> -David