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Re: Unable to override userLogin Service

Posted by Scott Gray on Oct 21, 2006; 7:22am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Unable-to-override-userLogin-Service-tp142187p142189.html

Hi John

I can't help you much but i can tell you that the parameters are removed
from context in ServiceDispatcher.java at checkAuth() but I don't know
why the default service would work but your one wouldn't.


John Martin wrote:

> Hi -
> I posted this a week ago but got no response, hopefully someone has a
> suggestion for me?
> Thanks,
> John
> On 10/13/06, John Martin <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I'm integrating ofBiz with a 3rd party system using RMI.  I've copied
>> with success various service definitions into my own xml files to
>> issolate my changes from ofBiz. When I tried to override the userLogin
>> it wouldn't work.  I started getting:
>>       org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException:
>>       The following required parameter is missing:
>> [apUserLogin.login.password]
>>       The following required parameter is missing:
>> [apUserLogin.login.username]
>> I tried debugging the ofBiz ServiceValidation functionality to see
>> what is happening.  It appears to me that the password and username
>> form variables are being removed from the context but unable to find
>> where that occurs.
>> My remote client is successful calling userLogin but fails calling my
>> apUserLogin service.  There is no difference between the services
>> except for the service name.
>> The problem seems to be specifically with the userLogin service call
>> because other services in the same servicedef xml file work.
>> Here's my steps:
>> 1. Copied framework/common/servicedef/service.xml to service_ap.xml
>> 2. Removed all but the methods I wanted to override (userLogin,
>> updatePassword)
>> 3. Added 'ap' prefix to each of the service names
>> 4. Added export="true" to each service
>> 5. Added xml file to the framework\common\ofbiz-component.xml
>>     <service-resource type="model" loader="main"
>> location="servicedef/services.xml"/>
>>     <service-resource type="model" loader="main"
>> location="servicedef/services_ap.xml"/>
>> Does anyone know what just the userLogin service would not work?
>> Thanks,
>> John