Posted by
Jacques Le Roux on
Oct 26, 2007; 11:19pm
You can use Eclipse for that too. If you are using a pre 3.4 version, simply right-click on the build.xml you want to run, choose
Run As/Ant Task and that's all. Actually I only use Eclipse now for running ant tasks, I have one build (menu entry) for each module
I already built and just choose them thru the Run menu. <= Simple version, actually I use 3.4 at the moment. I have asked for a
smart replace (in all files) this summer (was using 3.3) and got it with 3.4M1 with some inconvenients. I lost all my Run menu
entries for all my projects :'(- was not yet Christmas but those Eclipse Guys are not Santa Claus anyway, mmm... ;o)- I'm pretty
satisfied with 3.4M2 now. But there if you want to run an ant task you have to : right-click on the build.xml you want to run,
choose Run As/External Tool Settings and then create a new menu entry (called a configuration before being a menu entry) and set
your parameters (easy to do normally). If I find some remaining strengthes somewhere, I will ask why it has changed. Being able to
create them on the fly was really great !
I will put that in my Tips (but I will wait the end of the story ;o)
De : "Scott Gray" <
[hidden email]>
> I tend to use Eclipse only for coding and debugging, and leave the
> builds for the command prompt.
> Scott
> On 27/10/2007, Brendan Vogt <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> > Am I correct in saying the following after running the build.xml is to:
> >
> >
> >
> > 1. java -jar ofbiz.jar
> >
> > 2. startofbiz.bat
> >
> >
> >
> > And then I am ready?? I am a bit scared in opening the project in Eclipse
> > because I did it last time before I ran build.xml and I got about 300
> > warnings and about 120 errors. Will these warnings be gone now after I ran
> > build.xml?
> >
> >