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RE: After running build.xml

Posted by Brendan Vogt on Oct 26, 2007; 5:53pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/After-running-build-xml-tp149350p149363.html

Is there a difference if run the .bat file from command prompt or can I just
double click the .bat file through windows explorer?

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Crum [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 5:36 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: After running build.xml

Brendan Vogt wrote:
> Am I correct in saying the following after running the build.xml is to:
> 1.      java -jar ofbiz.jar
> 2.      startofbiz.bat

On a Windows machine, you would just do step 2.

> And then I am ready??  I am a bit scared in opening the project in Eclipse
> because I did it last time before I ran build.xml and I got about 300
> warnings and about 120 errors.  Will these warnings be gone now after I
> build.xml?

Check your project settings in Eclipse - make sure the java compiler is set
up to support v5 code.
