Ray he was asking if a customer could do this.
not sure how you tested this.
> Scott,
> Just tested cancelling in the ordermgr using the hot wax demo site and
> it worked OK. So this is either a fairly recent change, as the demo site
> is usually with 24hrs I think, or it's a little more specific to the
> data you choose to use. Maybe a little more info on what you added and
> who you tried doing it as?
> Phillip to be clear on your original question you need to click the
> "Edit Items" link when viewing the order and then you can either cancel
> specific rows or all the items.
> Ray
> Scott Gray wrote:
>> You cancel the order by cancelling all of the order items, it's not
>> working though because of some permissions problems.
>> Scott
>> On 05/11/2007, BJ Freeman <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> I drilled down on a sample order that has been created.
>>> did not see anything.
>>> David E Jones sent the following on 11/4/2007 9:50 PM:
>>>> You should be able to do it from ecommerce, that used to be there
>>>> anyway... just on the order detail screen (from the order history).
>>>> -David