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Re: can you cancel an order?

Posted by Ray Barlow on Nov 05, 2007; 5:38pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/can-you-cancel-an-order-tp149709p149716.html

He mentioned ecommerce but I read between the lines that he was talking
about order management, especially when he said:

"It appears that one can cancel a payment, is this what most folks do when one would want to cancel an order?"

as you can't control payment changes through the ecommerce side.

I wasn't testing creating a user so I just used admin (then DemoCustomer
following other comments) to create an order. I suspect your create
problems are related to messages about missing parameters, if so then
just retry the action i.e. if add to cart fails then click it again.


PS: I have just successfully created a new customer and raised a new
order using the demo site, just have to be persistent.

BJ Freeman wrote:
> Ray he was asking if a customer could do this.
> I just attempted to create a customer then login on the Hotwax demo and
> could not
> not sure how you tested this.