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[OFBiz] Dev - Cascading ECAs/Services

Posted by cjhowe on Jul 31, 2005; 9:16pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Dev-Cascading-ECAs-Services-tp165750.html

revision #5426 depedning on your viewpoint either
gives us the ability to make a "differences" custom
application (at least one that's based on ecommerce at
this point) or put another way, reuse screens from
from other applications while using the decorator of
your custom application.

So now from a developers point of view, we can reuse
freemarker code, beanshell scripts, java classes, CSS,
form widgets, services, and now screen widgets.  Which
gives us the ability to create applications that only
have code that we want to change from an existing
application, but we don't have to touch the core
applications (which makes bringing your custom
application up to date with svn so much easier).
Now all of those pieces of code just sit until they're
called, requested, included, imported, etc.  Which is
great.  Now the only thing that can give us trouble in
our custom application are the ECAs because they're
automatically "ON" just waiting for their condition to
be met.  In a custom application you may not want a
particual ECA to run, but you don't want to change or
comment out the ECA because it makes it difficult to
update.  So finally my question.

Is there a way to "undeclare" or "redeclare" an ECA or
a service without touching the xml file that it is in?
So that myapp could pick and choose what runs or how
it is run.  Kind of cascading CSSesque.  If this can
be obtained then offshoot, niche applications will be
so easy to create, manipulate and maintain.

, Chris
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