Thanks for looking into this, David.
David E. Jones wrote:
> Si,
> The trick with this caching is not in the caching properly, but in
> the clearing of the cache. After running into a few problems with it,
> especially with less technical new users that aren't comfortable with
> the big list of caches in WebTools, I decided to comment it out. That
> was probably a little bit extreme, so I added it back in and also a
> line in the file to give it a 5 minute timeout.
> Ideally we'd have some automatic, or even manual based on services or
> something, cache clearing mechanism so that we didn't have the
> problem of changing things like a product name or image URL in the
> catalog manager and not having it reflect on the ecommerce site and
> getting confused and frustrated. That's not easy to do though, or in
> other words can require a bit of work, so hopefully this is a happy
> medium.
> The changes are in SVN rev 5467.
> -David
> On Aug 5, 2005, at 6:01 PM, Si Chen wrote:
>> David,
>> I noticed you removed the product content caching in the
>> ProductContentWrapper. You said it needs to do "auto cache clear".
>> Can you explain what needs to be done to do the caching correctly?
>> This was my patch originally, and it's really improved the
>> performance on our site. I'd like to make sure that we're doing it
>> correctly. Also if anybody else needs it, it'd be nice if it's in
>> the code base.
>> Thanks,
>> Si
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