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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - framework/application split security/party

Posted by David E. Jones on Sep 07, 2005; 6:27am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Dev-framework-application-split-security-party-tp165982p165983.html

Yes, in theory. No guarantees on that yet, it is just what we are  
moving towards. When we do the framework separated release checking  
on and fixing these will be part of the effort.

There is a plan to work around issues like this, namely the UserLogin  
and Party relationship, but it hasn't been implemented yet.

I guess it comes back to time and money. I know people hate to hear  
that, but there's just no escaping reality. Even if we had all the  
time and money we needed, it still wouldn't happen because then we'd  
have no motivation to actually do it... ;) A bit of a conundrum that...


On Sep 6, 2005, at 11:25 AM, Adam Heath wrote:

> Components in framework shouldn't depend on anything in  
> application, right?
> So why does UserLogin@framework/security/entitydef/entitymodel.xml  
> reference
> Party@application/party/entitydef/entitymodel.xml(same for Person and
> PartyGroup)?
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