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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - framework/application split security/party

Posted by Adrian Crum on Sep 07, 2005; 4:29pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Dev-framework-application-split-security-party-tp165982p165984.html

If this work ever gets done, it would be nice to have security split out too -
so that userlogin security can be handled by a set of services outside of the
party manager application (permissions and such). This could then lead to custom
security implementations - such as the LDAP idea mentioned some time ago.

David E. Jones wrote:

> Yes, in theory. No guarantees on that yet, it is just what we are  
> moving towards. When we do the framework separated release checking  on
> and fixing these will be part of the effort.
> There is a plan to work around issues like this, namely the UserLogin  
> and Party relationship, but it hasn't been implemented yet.
> I guess it comes back to time and money. I know people hate to hear  
> that, but there's just no escaping reality. Even if we had all the  time
> and money we needed, it still wouldn't happen because then we'd  have no
> motivation to actually do it... ;) A bit of a conundrum that...
> -David
> On Sep 6, 2005, at 11:25 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
>> Components in framework shouldn't depend on anything in  application,
>> right?
>> So why does UserLogin@framework/security/entitydef/entitymodel.xml  
>> reference
>> Party@application/party/entitydef/entitymodel.xml(same for Person and
>> PartyGroup)?
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