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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - how to get error messages from SECA services

Posted by Si Chen-2 on Sep 08, 2005; 12:10am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Dev-how-to-get-error-messages-from-SECA-services-tp165987p165990.html

Ok - We figured it out.  It turns out in the controller for order
manager, a couple of the requests had response types of
"request-redirect" rather than "view" and "request-redirect" was not
showing the error messages.  We fixed it by changing the response types
to "view":

     <request-map uri="quickShipOrder">
         <security https="true" auth="true"/>
         <event type="service" invoke="quickShipEntireOrder"/>
-        <response name="success" type="request-redirect" value="orderview"/>
-        <response name="error" type="request-redirect" value="orderview"/>
+        <response name="success" type="view" value="orderview"/>
+        <response name="error" type="view" value="orderview"/>

Was there a reason for using "request-redirect"?  It seemed like a
legacy feature to me, as I don't see it used anywhere else any more.

Also, the other thing we did was include the exception messages in the


Si Chen wrote:

> Hi.  I'm having a problem with "Quick Ship" and "Quick Return" on the
> order manager.  If one of the SECA services returns an error, the
> error message is not displayed.  I'm going to try to track this down, but
> 1.  In general, should synchronous SECA service errors show up on the
> screens?
> 2.  If so, how should it work?  Is it the usual "_ERROR_MESSAGE_" and
> "_ERROR_MESSAGE_LIST_" in the request?
> Si
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