Posted by
Jacopo Cappellato on
Sep 08, 2005; 3:37pm
Hi Si,
please see my comments inline:
Si Chen wrote:
> Hi Jacopo,
> Tried the manufacturing demo again. Everything looked good except a
> couple of minor things which I wasn't too sure about:
> 1. Once a production run has been started, clicking on [Declare] takes
> me to a screen to input information about the routing task. There are
> these fields:
> Setup Time
> Actual Setup Time
> Add Setup Time
> Run Time
> Actual Time
> Add Task Time
> Setup Time and Run Time are the estimated values from routing task. The
> Actual Setup and Run Times do not have input boxes next to them. Add
> Setup Time and Add Task Time do. But when I input values there, instead
> of adding them to the Setup Time and Run Time, they become the Actual
> Setup Time and Actual Run Time.
> Is this a bug? Or should the labels on the form be changed?
Thanks for bringign this up to my attention: the only times that can
changed are the actual times... so yes, the label were not clear enough.
I've changed them to:
Estimated Setup Time
Actual Setup Time
Add Actual Setup Time
Estimated Run Time
Actual Time
Add Actual Task Time
This is in SVN with rev 5671.
Si, I greatly appreciate this kind of comments because they really help
me to improve the parts of the system that are not clear.
So if you see wrong labels, bad names etc... please do not exitate to
contact me and I'll fix them.
> 2. After a production run, the raw material products' QOH and ATP
> quantities became negative, but an MRP run did not suggest any
> requirements for them. Should it have? Or is the intent to set up
> replenishment rules for these products in the catalog manager?
This is a good point: as it is now, the MRP process just searches in the
future for the product's demand (approved sales orders, production runs
etc...) and then sees if in warehouse the product's needed qty will
cause the product to go under the minimum stock level; if this will
happen, a new requirement is created.
If I'm not wrong, your situation is different: you have a product
already under the minimum stock level but no future demand for it (no
sales orders or production run), so no requirements are created.
I'm not sure if the MRP should take this situation into account or not:
however you can have a nice report of the under level products from the
Facility --> Inventory Items --> View Inventory by Product
With that report in hand, you can create purchase orders to refill the
stock levels (but this will never happen when the supply strategy is
driven by MRP).
> 3. Maybe I've asked this before, but should we set Requirements'
> quantities to the reorder quantities of the facility? Would that be
> better? I vaguely remember working on this and thinking there might be
> some issues with trying to do it that way...
Please, could you give me more details? Do you mean the requirements
generated by MRP or requirements generated by the 'automatic' methods
set at product or product store level?
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